
Imagine you just had your best month in business with plenty of new leads. But this month, you’re on track to do about half of that, and you didn’t change anything. Odds are, a broken lead form is at least part of the problem. If you aren’t getting as many leads as normal, you should evaluate […]

Did you know that 74% of companies use lead form tools to generate sales? Almost half say that online forms are their largest converting lead generator. Conversion rates sit at 21.5% for successful form submissions. And multi-step interactive forms can see up to 300% more conversions than flat static options. Creating the right online form plays an essential […]

About 70% of organizations are prioritizing converting leads into customers as part of their marketing strategy. Not every business develops an effective lead generation strategy, though. Without a lead form strategy, you could miss a chance to draw in new business. Instead, use these seven easy tips to generate more lead form submissions. Then, discover how to turn those […]

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